Thursday, May 12, 2005
Jilbab itu penutup. Imam selalu bilang klo orang pake jilbab, jadi pengen ngebayangin terus kupingnya gimana, rambutnya gimana, something about it just turn him on. Idiih, pantesan waktu zaman pcrn dulu,..dia tuh bisa mandangin gue lamaaaa banget,..what was he thinking?
Anyway, dahlia told me about teori tersingkap, dia bilang libido seorang lelaki akan naik if dia lihat yang tersingkap,..misalnya kita pake rok yang panjang, suddenly kita (sengajain) dia liat betis kita,..hmmh,..pasti langsung turn on deh.
Okeh, percoban dimulai,..gue pake daster panjang, trus gue tiduran gaya putri duyung,..ngadep ke tembok, trus ujung daster g angkat sebatas paha,..ampe keliatan belahan betis...pokoknya kyk kesingkep hehehe..
Then, imam masuk.. liat,..ternyata,.. it worked !!!,…he goes straight to me!!!...hehehe,…mantap loh,…(please try this at home,recommend)
posted by Bunda RaRa at 4:25 PM -
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Name: Bunda RaRa   Home: Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia About Me: I'm a mother of 2,..gossh, i cant believe it i am having those 2 precious now..working professionally in this company...gak penting lah..what matter is my family, always number one.. See my profile...

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