Masuuk kerjaaaa.. again ...Ooh no.. Idiih betapa malangnya nasib kita buruh pabrik yang tertindas I just called by one of my closest friend,..she said that management reminder her for her excentric style of jilbab and make up. And she have to promise not to wear that style, including her make up, if she really still wants to keep her job. Watehek,..manajemen kurang kerjaan aja yang ngurusin gaya jilbab orang. G cuman berpikir, kayaknya iklim kerja di sini udah nggak lagi mementingkan profesionalisme kita dalam bekerja, tapi it looks like in here lebih mementingkan how do we look. G jadi teringat film Philadelphia, where Tom Hanks becoma gay, and he loose his job because of it. But he sue his company and won in court, because in work, doesnt matter how gay you are, its your freedom, you choose to be like that. Moral of the Story? Bos selalu benar Klo bos salah, liat peraturan diatas. BASI bener.
Terakhir, setelah perundingan, kita berdua memutuskan utk mengabadikan gaya eksentrik jilbab pucung utk terakhir kalinya..huhuhu...abis ini udah gag boleh kekantor pake pucungan lagi...ini foto kita bertiga..the pucung girl get cut, susan and bunda *Narsis mode on*
ih...sebel ya bun, kok aneh ya... masa pake jilbab aja ga boleh ya? aneh deh.. takut ma teroris kali bun..
btw, met kenal ya bunda raihan, met lebaran, minal aidin wal faidzin, maaf lahir bathin bun..