OOOh…I feel so bored. Apa ya klo orang bule bilang, Boredom. Only this is udah akut. The worst Stadium. I am Bored with my job, mostly with my company. Tau gag sih, belakangan ini management bikin aturan yang membuat kita makin gak comfort ama lingkungan kerjaan Its like im not having fun again doing my task. So much rule for so little money. Pengen pindah kantor, but I know it won't solve a thing. Karena I think dimana2 will be the same. Udah gitu g udah parno duluan lagi, klo interview kerja. Skrg punya pemikiran klo fun or not in the working environment tergantung ama how the HRD attitude in the first interview. Kyk kemaren, g interview di PT XXX, HRnya doesn’t show any respect, by not trying to shake my hand while I am entering the room. So he just stand there and looking out through the window. Not notice even I am try to come in and shut the door. Emang nya g harus gimana, nyamperin dia and menyeberangi mejanya trus berusaha keras banget buat salaman ama dia? So I was just smile and taking seat. Cuman g sempet mikir aja Kok gini banget ya. Kayak gak ada penerimaan or something. Tanda2nya udah jelas. I wont work there even the offer is higher than my expectation. What to do?
Apa g back to school aja ya…jadi berhenti kerja trus sekolah sambil maen2 ama Raihan? Mmmhh...
Boleh juga tuh.. |
HR nya ngetes kali bun hehehe
sama nih lagi bosen.,,ngapain atuh ya?? hikssss