Monday, June 16, 2008
5th Anniversary

15 Juni 2003-15 Juni 2008

Yup, 5 tahun sudah bersama in this holy-matremony... We’ve been through a lot. Sampai saat ini, mungkin saya masih tidak mengira bahwa ternyata pria yang bertemu dengan saya di depan gang itu, adalah jodoh saya.

Yes, my friend at office, Hera, introduced us. No, not introduced verbally, he just give me his phone address in a yellow post it !!!. And its just keep hanging on my monitor for couple of months... hahaha...

Until a hard breaking up comes up. Hey,... I tought I need someone to distruct me from remembering Aussie...

I took the post it. I gave him a call at home. He just come back from taraweh (it was Ramadhan month)

And the story begin.

After couple of week of talking on the phone.

He keep asking, when can we meet.

I said, “Emangnya kamu nggak taraweh ?”

Than, Idul Fitri came along.

Still havent see each other.

Sampe hari ke empat syawal.

Dia bilang, “Nanti sore temenin aku buka puasa yuk ? “

Well, I guess its about time we’ve meet.

I have to see his look, right ?

Oke, See you at the mall at eighteen hundred.

Mmmh.. my office bus arrive at 17.45 .. masih lama banget. Males nunggunya. Jadi gue enteng aja, pulang ke rumah ... hihihi...

Jam 18.00 dia telpon, “Kamu dimana ??”

Saya bilang , “ Aku dirumah, tadi aku pulang cepet...”

Dia hanya diam

Kemudian berkata, “Ya udah, aku buka puasa dulu”...

Klik. Telepon dimatikan. Saya termangu. Enteng aja. Tapi saya (sedikit) merasa bersalah.

Jam 17.30 telpon saya kembali berbunyi. “Hey, aku didepan jalan rumah kamu nih, keluar dong .”

Adoooh,... mana belom mandi ...tapi saya jawab males2an .. “Tunggu yah, aku jalan ke depan”.

Rumah saya memang rada jauh dari jalan besar.

Sampe depan gang, Loh,. Kok sepi ?!?!?!

I give him a call. “Where were you ???”

“Loh, kamu yang mana?” katanya.

“Ini aku udah didepan jalan..”.. “Kalo kamu nggak muncul, aku mo pulang lagi” ... hehehe, galak nggak jelas

“Tunggu,..tunggu, aku lihat kamu...” katanya sambil ketawa...

Well, I didnt see anybody, so i tought I came back home...

“ Loh. Kamu mo kemana, kok masuk lagi,... gak mau ketemu aku???? “

“Udah gak pengen”... cih gedebug gumbreng...makan tuh gengsi....

“Ya udah aku nyamperin kamu”

Than I see a man in a motorcycle, comes to me. With a helmet.

Than we shake hands.

“Dini yah? “

“ Iyya”.. sambil malu malu.. *kenapa saya jadi senyum2 sendiri yah sekarang pas lagi ngetik ini...

“Helmnya di lepas nggak ? “ Doooh pake nanya lagi..

“ Nggak usah”.. segitu udah ganteng”... hahahaha.... najissss......

“ Ya udah deh lepas....”

“ Iiih, dibilang nggak usah “....

Than, he took out his helmet. Boom. That face. Thats been on my head ever since. Until now. Forever and ever, Babe..

“Sebelas Januari Bertemu
Menjalani Kisah Cinta Ini
Naluri Berkata Engkaulah………. Milikku

-Sebelas Januari - Gigi

posted by Bunda RaRa at 11:30 AM -
  • At 7:11 PM, Blogger EPHO's said…

    Manisnya... Happy anniversary yah, mbak! Mudah2an awet, barokah, sakinah, selamat dunia akhirat, amin!

  • At 8:19 PM, Blogger nie said…

    happy anniversary yah, Bun! Wah... cerita dibalik pernikahan ini unik sekali :)
    langgeng selalu yah!

  • At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    happy aniv bun... moga langgeng selalu ya >.<

  • At 3:20 PM, Blogger D-eby said…

    Happy Anniversary, here's a toast to the two of you, may the happiness and joyfull of this matrimony will shine throughout the years.

    crita pertemuannya cute dech...jadi kayak baca novel percintaan aja...he..he..

  • At 1:39 PM, Blogger retnanda said…

    so sweet...
    mau dong cerita kaya itu..hehehehe
    habis perasaan ceritaku ndak se sweet itu...
    biasa aja..
    kok koyok di cerpen anita (ingat majalah masa lalu jaman sma)..
    semoga langgeng...

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About Me
Name: Bunda RaRa   Home: Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia About Me: I'm a mother of 2,..gossh, i cant believe it i am having those 2 precious now..working professionally in this company...gak penting lah..what matter is my family, always number one.. See my profile...

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